Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 1: 1

Needless to say, this actually Week 2:3. Blog is set up and if I did it right I've chosen all the settings for headings etc. Now I need to find my way around various elements, such as setting up profile, etc.

RE: 7 1/2
Perhaps it is because I am approaching a birthday ending in 0 in about a week, I felt like the presentation was talking down to me. It also left no space for various learning and goal-setting styles.

The hardest piece for me is feeling self-confident about taking on a challenge. I entered this program because it is something I really want to do. But boy did I take my time getting my feet wet; I went one toe at a time. It helped a lot to read all the blogs of the folks who are ahead.

I am looking forward to learning to use technology to my advantage. Hours and hours of trial and error with certain programs are driving me crazy.

1 comment:

Jaye Holly said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of 23 Things! Hope you enjoy your learning journey.
Jaye :)