Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzards of 2010

I'm sure that everyone who blogs in the Baltimore/DC area will be posting about this one. Lines at the grocery stores, power outages, not being dug out, record snow falls, bad road conditions, etc.

Apparently, we are going to top the 19th century snow record. Does that mean we can say this is the largest storm in two centuries?

Folks have started in on some serious punning. Snomaggedon, Snoverkill, Snoverload--you get the picture. Because everyone else has probably said all that needs to be said, Here's the Picture[s]

This series of photos is called "12 hours to go"

Sunday morning, blue skies.

Tuesday, somewhat cleared out. Still no snowplow.

Tuesday evening, Here we go again.

It is now Wednesday morning. Stay tuned for the continuing saga.