Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today has been a very difficult day for me spiritually. Several years ago, I decided that I could no longer say that every story has two sides; I now say "Every die has six sides." Not unlike the six blind men and the elephant..

I just listened to Bishop Michael Curry's sermon from this past Sunday at General Convention about Crazy Christians. I have been reading comments on various blogs and FB today about the Blessing for Same-Sex Unions that was just passed at GC. I have spent time reading about Sister Jose Hobday and reading Rachel Held Evans' blog today [], which has to do with judging others. And once again, I have been judged and found majorly wanting by my daughter.

So many of my FB friends are positively jubilant about the approved Blessing; some are wailing that it is not sufficient. Some of the posts from GC want to take Bishop Curry's sermon as his blessing on the gay question, and are flashing their Crazy Christian badges. Other esteemed, faithful Christians are essentially calling this the final blow for the Episcopal Church. In my own ponderings today, I have wondered seriously whether it is now time for us to leave.

This same GC has announced a $1 million budget for Mission and $20 million for litigation against the "rogue" dioceses and parishes. Nine bishops are being sanctioned for standing behind parishes and dioceses who have left the TEC. Is this the face of Crazy Christians? The Crazy Christians Bishop Curry was talking about?

My gut is in knots; my eyes want expel buckets of tears; and my heart is aching.

In the past few weeks, as I have faced the same-sex question, I have had these same reactions. The only thing that has kept me sane has been Rick LaRocca's musical setting for the Prayer for the Gift of the Holy Spirit:
Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of the Faithful
Kindle in Us the Fire of your Love
Send forth your Spirit and We shall be Created
And You shall renew the Face of the Earth....

Only the Holy Spirit can lead us now. Lord, I believe, Help my unbelief.

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