Friday, February 13, 2009

Life in the Creek

View of Cripple Creek from Tenderfoot

Missie and Jeff's Home

The Name Cripple Creek Traveler reflects our regular visits to see my Daughter and Son-in-Law. We found my daughter Missie [Melissa Sue Thomas] in 2000. I had given Missie up for adoption in May 1967 shortly after her birth.

My mother always knew that we would see her again sometime, somehow. I'll save the story of finding Missie for another time.

The point is that we have been traveling to Cripple Creek, CO, almost annually since 2000. We have come to know and love the Creek. In 2003 the family traveled to Cripple Creek for Missie and Jeff's wedding on March 17. That is yet another great story.

This past week, Missie sent me photos of her and Jeff from last weekend's Victorian Ball. Missie made her dress and Jeff's vest and waistcoat. It seemed like a good opportunity to bring a bit of the Creek to the Cripple Creek Traveler.


Monday, February 9, 2009

A Generation Ends

I got word today that the last of my mother's siblings died Jan 12.

Uncle Ben was quite estranged from the family. I don't know if he and mother ever really made up. I know she wanted to.

He was almost 88, so it was indeed a long-lived generation. He and Aunt Dolores lived in Chicago and had three adopted children. I only met one of them when she was a toddler. One of them lives in No. Virginia and is with the Pentagon.

It is very sad that we do not know each other.

If I am correct, I am the oldest living member in my generation.